What's next? We're here to help you get ready.

Use our calculators to get quick answers to your financial questions. Or become a Schwab client and receive a complimentary financial plan to help you achieve your retirement goals.

Rethinking your retirement?

No matter if you're in your 20s or 50s, see where you stand and learn how to fill in any gaps. Get the answers and information you need with our retirement calculators.

Find out if you're saving enough >

Curious how much you can afford to withdraw in retirement? >

See the impact of converting a Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA >

Estimate your annual RMDs or inherited RMDs >

Saving for college?

Use our college savings calculator to answer a few questions about your goals for your student’s potential college plans, then receive an estimated monthly savings goal to help you plan ahead.

See if your tuition savings goals are on track >

Thinking about a new home?

Begin to plan for your home purchase with the mortgage calculator. Based on your needs, see how much you could expect to pay each month.

See what you could expect for your monthly payment >

Ready To Start Planning And Investing?